Appears in January
So then, what ahs happened since 2012? most retailers will tell you, it is a very quiet period in which poor product ranges are stripped out and new ones considered. Its a time when annoying salesmen like myself can head out and visit the ever growing network of belly bulging, pocket stripping, jaw dropping farm shops/food halls.
Our new branding is providing me with that extra push in what believe to be a very depressing time of the year. The feedback really reflects what i first felt when myself, james and orphans Press (graphic design firm) first saw the finished product....."WE DID THAT.....THATS OURS!!", was my first reaction. We are very proud of what we achieved last year and we really hope that this summer brings more juice selling weather than last... else we're moving down under!
Just a quick note on my last 2 weeks..
Traveling around the midlands showcasing our new brand has already taught me so much! Delivering the perfect sales pitch is something which comes with practice. With every shop comes a different approach, i am not talking about the skill of selling instead the understanding of your product and whether or not it fits. People buy from people, fact.I, like many others, love a challenge and hearing the sentance "We are happy with our current range of juice" just pushed me forward.